Tuesday, October 28, 2008

♥jUSt A tHanX 2 My fRIenDS♥

Okay...since this is my first blog...I think it's only fair that I give it all to my friends

I wouldn't be anywhere if it wasn't because of my friends...

They gave me confidence...


and love...

I never had REAL FRIENDS before. Some were just fair weatherd friends...some BETRAYED ME and STABBED ME BEHIND MY BACK. But my friends now helped me realize that everyone deserves a friend...even if she's a girl who had a bad past when it comes to friendship.

I have a lot of friends now who accept me for who and what I am, they know me deeply.



and many many more (for those whom I forgot I'm sorry...I just put my very close ones :> )

These are the people who make me laugh...smile...and beleive in my self...

They know what I'm capable of and they'll never take that advantage over me.

I love them and I know that they love me too. (atleast that's whatr the tell me but I believe them)

So for those people who backstabb me or take advantage of me...you might hurt my feelings; but I swear to you...I'll have my friends to always help me get back up on my horse and ride again.

So to my close friends and to my not-so-close friends...


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