Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Movie Review: High School Musical 3:Senior Year

Yes...I watched HSM3. Guilty as charged...

But now I will share a reveiw about it to you all...

High School Musical 3 is all about...

Following your OWN dreams...

Getting thru life without saying goodbye to the people you love...

Accepting the kind of person who you really are...

And knowing who you are and what you want/need for yourself...

I'll admit it...

I actually liked it...(skrew me if you must)

It had a good lessons written all over the movie (I mean, I just told you all of it).

The songs we're actaully full of ambition but very nice.

But what I liked most about it (next to the lessons) is the cherograhpy and directing by no other than Mr. Kenny Ortega, who done a real exelent job for this (maybe) last instalment of HSM.

But there is one bad side of it...

It's a bit to mature already...little kids really won't undrestand that much about any more.

Some kids might...but for the real minors...I don't really think they will...

I'm actually suprised my 7 year old brother liked it...

But for teenagers/people who passed puberty...

they might (just might) like is as I did.

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