Monday, December 8, 2008

♥The Best Birthday Ever!!!(so far)♥

December 3 1995

in polemedic hospital...

A beautiful babygirl was born for the couple Meyeth and Orly Angat.

December 3-6 2008

was one of the best celebrations she ever had!


Me and my family went out to dinner that night in Italiannis. It was a beautiful yet simple celebration for us. We had dinner and all that.

They gave a couple of roses and a letter from my mom. In the end they gave me two CD's: Break-out by Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers by the Jonas Brothers.




Sleepover and movie marathon at Krystel's house...

We watched Sweeney Todd (blood does not squirt out like that!!) Step-up2 , Claymore and Ouran.

Lol. We slept at 3.



Me, Krystel, Natalie, Clarissa, Rheymarie and Alex all went out to Market-Market

It was so much fun! We pplayed some LazerXtreme and some tiemezone and we even ate at YellowCab!

It was a Blast!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

♥Lol, I got hit by a car!!!♥

Okay, you may think I'm weird that i laughed at the concept that I just got hit by a car...(actually it was more of a SUV) so I'll just tell you the story.

It was a thursday afternoon, just after classes/club and me and my friends, Krystel, Clarissa and Natalie with Natalie's classmate "Besa" we're near the covered courts of our school...
I'll admit we were in the driveway but I swear, we we're at the side..very side.

Okay, so Natalie was recording a message for her friend who was coming back to the country on Besa's phone (I don't know why his phone). So me and the others girsl were waiting for her to finish long message...

Okay so...I was just standing there in front of Natalie, across Clarissa and Besa and beside Krystel.
I think me and Krystel were talking about how long Natalie's message was...(I don't remeber but I know we we're talking, until the unthinkable occured.

Besa though mumbled "car" but since it was a mumble, me a Krystel didn't hear AND understand.

Then I got bumped a huge High School dude...I said "What the F...."
the dude hit me so hard and I didn't hear a sorry, I looked back to yell at him but I saw a CAR...!!!

My friends we're all like " Omigod, Michelle!!!" or "MICHELLE!!!!"

I was so shocked that it was a car I really thought it was a huge dude!
good thing was I wasn't hurt, I don't have any pain in my body and I'm not dead!!!!

hehe, I jsut laughed about the whole thing though...



Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well this sucks...friendster deleted, alot friends, and from 100 something I went to 6!!!

My cousin says that someone told her not to open friendster for a while, because friendster's still doing the maintenance thingy and if we keep on opening, they'll take more time in fixing our profile...

So I guess this means that we have no choice but to be patient with friendster....
Like always...(sigh)

Friday, November 14, 2008


Sorry I feel to bad for myself to blog...
I just did this to do something...
now where was I?
Oh yeah...

Friday, November 7, 2008

For the People who dont' like me as their Vice-President

To my classmates...I can't say this in front of you cause you'll all think that I'm 'papansin' of anything else, so I 'll just use my blog.

Guys...I DID NOT sign up for this V.P. job...Miss assigned me, (not that I'm blaming miss)
I accepted complain.
I know I'm not your picture of a V.P.
I know that you didn't vote for me to be your V.P. ...
But I've always wanted to lead. I got my chance and I took it. It was once in a life-time for me to be vice. (not to exaggerate)

Guys...I'm really trying my best to impress you...
for you to like me; maybe not as a vice but maybe atleast as a person...a friend.

Rant on the people BACKSTABBING ME

I cant say this in front of you...
Cause I know you'll just think that I'm "papansin" or a "feeler" but I just can't handle the pain I feel inside anymore.

You people have no right to backstab me!
Maybe in one angle you do, but you only know one angle of my whole personality, but you don't know All the angles of me.

I can honestly say that I don't backstabb anyone...yes I may talk about them behind their backs but I say nice things about them. If I here someone say backstabbing someone...I usually either stay quiet or I defend him/her. (now you might say I'm mayabang or makapal ang mukha, but I really do that but I admit that I SOMETIMES slip) I try to talk to people whi I have bad feelings to or I just keep it to myself.

If you have to judge me, AT LEAST TALK TO ME... don't share it to anyone or else later THEY'LL BACKSTABB ME TOO, and before you know it... EVERYONE WILL BE BACKSTABBING ME.

7I, I really am so sorry if I ever hurt your feelings or kung nainis ko kayo. But PLEASE talk to me if you have a problem with me...
I trusted all of you...but now you backstab me, now I don't know if I can still TRUST YOU.

Backstabbing is the FIRST STEP TO GOSSIPING...

♥Burnin' up *spoof*♥

I'm're cold
That's probably because I'm wearing a...
jacket; and you want me to lend you my jacket...

And it's getting a little bit colder...
and I want my jacket back.
Right before I turn into an ice cube
while you're burnin' up
burnin' up with my jacket.

And now you're telling all
that that's your jacket...
High heels...
Red dress...
is all that I'm wearing


And now it's getting really really cold
and my jacket's still with you
Please give me back my jacket back
'Cause I'm really...cold

And it's really really cold
so please give me back my jacket
or else I'll go on and punch you
yet you're still burnin' up
burnin' up with my jacket

Now you won't give my jacket back
so now I have no choice but to kill you
I don't care if you will haunt me
'cause I'm now Burnin' up
Burnin' up with MY jacket...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

People... ugh!

If you people ask my friends...I am a very happy, bouncy, jolly, optimistic and well...basically the very opposite of emo (but I swear...I have nothing against emo's)

But sadly....I starting to get DEPRESSED little by little...

People (mostly in my class) are making me depressed because of what they think and say about me behind my back...

PLEASE... don't make me into a person I'm not!!!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

♥Halloween Party♥

Last Night...
October 31, 2008
Was one of my greatest nights of my life!!!!

Besides the fact that it's Halloween...
Our Abuel clan had a Halloween-costume party.
And it was so much FUN!

We went to the "Witches Place" thingy and all the cousins played some "Twister"

Friday, October 31, 2008

♥My Cousin in Japan...♥

My cousin, Ruth is now in Japan!!!

She and her other Robotics mates are now in Japan representing the Philippines for the World Robotics Competition.

Pray for her and her other mates, that they may win!!!

Go team Philippines!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

*Snake* among us...

October 24, 2008
This was the day 7I; class of Mrs. Annafe Malinab, found out that there was a snake walking among our class.

It was the last day of our quarterly examinations. Our proctor foe that day already left us in our classroom, knowing that our adviser, Mrs.Malinab would talk to us.
No one in our class knew why or what we did. All we knew that most of the times that Miss wanted to talk to us, was because of something big.

Everyone became silent when Miss entered the classroom. Even Miss was silent too. I think most of us felt a sudden dark aura between the class and Miss.

A few minutes later...the tension started.

Miss started with an unexpected question...
"7I, what have I done wrong?"
Then these questions followed on:
"When did I ever lie?"
"How dare you say that I have a crush on you...!", "In my age, you expect me to have a crush on you...!"
And it all went down to...
"It hurts a lot!"

She told us that she's been having dreams...dreams that have snakes all over it..
If you don't know; dreaming snakes means that someone is about to betray you or backstabb in the back.
CONCLUSION: Some one has betrayed and back stabbed Miss.

Mrs. Malinab is a kind hearted teacher. She would never do anything to hurt all. And this Dude comes and destroys Miss' trust in him.

I know who he is...and some other peeps do to.
Some girls and me noticed everything that he was doing while Miss was talking to us; he was just seated at his seat acting like there's nothing happening around him. That was cruel and cold hearted.
The cruelest this is...he just left the classroom without a word to Miss, acting as if nothing happened in that classroom. Leaving Miss crying her eyes out.
I guess he's not many enough to face Miss or even say sorry.

To typical for a guy to runaway from his problems...

"Comeback" in Youtube...

My remake of my series in YouTube is a success!!!

Already have two comments!!! (wow...)

Movie Review: High School Musical 3:Senior Year

Yes...I watched HSM3. Guilty as charged...

But now I will share a reveiw about it to you all...

High School Musical 3 is all about...

Following your OWN dreams...

Getting thru life without saying goodbye to the people you love...

Accepting the kind of person who you really are...

And knowing who you are and what you want/need for yourself...

I'll admit it...

I actually liked it...(skrew me if you must)

It had a good lessons written all over the movie (I mean, I just told you all of it).

The songs we're actaully full of ambition but very nice.

But what I liked most about it (next to the lessons) is the cherograhpy and directing by no other than Mr. Kenny Ortega, who done a real exelent job for this (maybe) last instalment of HSM.

But there is one bad side of it...

It's a bit to mature already...little kids really won't undrestand that much about any more.

Some kids might...but for the real minors...I don't really think they will...

I'm actually suprised my 7 year old brother liked it...

But for teenagers/people who passed puberty...

they might (just might) like is as I did.


"...And this deadline: Eviction or Pay"

This Rock-Opera broadway musical is so...

Damn Awesome!!!

It talks about 5 people from New York struggling in the midst of poverty, paying rent and AIDs...

I highly recommend this for all!

Girls will obvously cry...(that is if they're sensitve enough)

I actually cried 3 times or this movie...

...while the boys...I dont' know. If they're sensitive enough...then sure they'll cry. (???)

Any way...I don't wanna ruin it all for you...I want you to watch it and find out what I'm hiding from you all...

♥jUSt A tHanX 2 My fRIenDS♥

Okay...since this is my first blog...I think it's only fair that I give it all to my friends

I wouldn't be anywhere if it wasn't because of my friends...

They gave me confidence...


and love...

I never had REAL FRIENDS before. Some were just fair weatherd friends...some BETRAYED ME and STABBED ME BEHIND MY BACK. But my friends now helped me realize that everyone deserves a friend...even if she's a girl who had a bad past when it comes to friendship.

I have a lot of friends now who accept me for who and what I am, they know me deeply.



and many many more (for those whom I forgot I'm sorry...I just put my very close ones :> )

These are the people who make me beleive in my self...

They know what I'm capable of and they'll never take that advantage over me.

I love them and I know that they love me too. (atleast that's whatr the tell me but I believe them)

So for those people who backstabb me or take advantage of might hurt my feelings; but I swear to you...I'll have my friends to always help me get back up on my horse and ride again.

So to my close friends and to my not-so-close friends...